'Every step counts'

Creating climate impact at scale by harnessing the power of individual efforts.

The Alps cover next to astonishing and mighty rock formations a vast and unique biodiversity. However, they have been a prominent stage for the visible consequences of climate change in recent times. Air temperature increase at +2,1 degrees Celsius is far above the global average at +1,5 degrees since the pre-industrial era. Glaciers will reduce by half in volume by 2050 with a lot of them disappearing, permafrost is retreating making rock formations and slopes unstable and eroding causing landslides and floods, weather patterns are becoming more extreme, etc. Consequently, this project goes beyond a physical challenge but also want to raise awareness on this topic.

However, all is not lost, and everyone can still be part of the solution! It's estimated that two-thirds of global emissions stem from our lifestyle and consumption choices. This project aims to do more than just raise awareness; it seeks to equip you with the tools to understand your personal carbon footprint, how it is composed, and how you can take action. 

Powered by a strong belief that by combining individual efforts to modify our lifestyles and reduce our carbon footprints, we can achieve a significant impact at scale.

Discover your carbon footprint

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Facts, figures and tips

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The best-known greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2). It represented almost 80% of the volume of all greenhouse gas emissions in the EU in 2021. Other greenhouse gases are present in a smaller quantity in the atmosphere, but they may have a bigger warming effect. For example, methane accounted for 12% of the impact of EU’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2021. Some greenhouse gases occur naturally in the atmosphere, but human activity contributes to their accumulation. Others are man-made, such as fluorinated gases which are used in the industry. Their global warming potential is often several thousand times stronger than CO2 (Source: 'EU monitor' 2021).

carbon dioxide equivalent or CO2 equivalent, abbreviated as CO2-eq is a metric measure used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases on the basis of their global-warming potential (GWP), by converting amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide with the same global warming potential (Source: 'Eurostat').

Your footprint is calculated based on a set of lifestyle questions which delivers a close estimate of your personal carbon footprint. This footprint is benchmarked against the average of the EU-27 member states, the Belgian average and the global average. 

The methodology used is based upon the lifestyle calculator designed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change (UNFCCC) and can be found more detailed here. The national and international benchmark data on carbon footprint are those as provided by the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) and can be found more detailled here.